U.S. Reps. Mann and Axne and Sen. Moran lead letter to combat fertilizer import prices

Farm state lawmakers initiate letter to combat fertilizer import prices

U.S. Reps. Tracey Mann, R-KS, and Cindy Axne, D-IA, and U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, R-KS, led 83 of their colleagues in sending a letter to the U.S. International Trade Commission requesting it address the strain on the fertilizer supply by eliminating duties on phosphate fertilizer products imported from Morocco, and suspending the process to impose new duties on urea ammonium fertilizer from Trinidad and Tobago.

“Farmers are deciding what to plant not on market fundamentals, but on the cost of fertilizer,” Mann said. “The conditions surrounding on-farm expenses in the United States have dramatically changed since the U.S. International Trade Commission’s determinations to impose duties on fertilizer from Morocco and Trinidad and Tobago. Given the last several years’ unprecedented volatility for farmers and ranchers, it is crucial America avoids imposing unnecessary duties that could further limit the fertilizer supply or raise its cost. My colleagues and I look forward to the ITC’s immediate action.”

“One of the biggest concerns I’ve been hearing lately from farmers is the sharp increase in fertilizer costs,” Axne said. “Iowa growers are particularly affected and are facing increased stress and uncertainty. In fact, I’ve even heard from producers considering planting less this spring. With record-high prices and uncertain future, I’m hopeful the International Trade Commission will listen to the concerns expressed by the bipartisan group of Members and reconsider and suspend trade duties that have contributed to the price increases.”

“Skyrocketing input costs, and particularly record-high fertilizer prices, are damaging Kansas farmers’ ability to grow a crop and earn a living,” Moran said. “With tight fertilizer supplies in the U.S., I am urging the administration to remove or suspend countervailing duties on fertilizer products from key suppliers. This commonsense solution would increase the availability of fertilizer products and provide needed relief for Kansas producers.”

“ASA is extremely concerned with the high price and availability of fertilizers,” said Brad Doyle, president of the American Soybean Association. “ASA has steadily opposed the 19% duties that have been placed by the Commerce Department on imports of phosphate from Morocco and are opposing the ongoing investigation and potential imposition of tariffs on nitrogen fertilizer from Trinidad and Tobago. We are grateful to Rep. Mann, Rep. Axne and Sen. Moran for their leadership on this letter, and hope the International Trade Commission will heed this request and suspend these duties to provide much-needed relief to farmers. It is time for the tariffs to go.”

“Fertilizers and other inputs have been at an all-time high, and the war in Ukraine promises to drive up the price of products even more,” said Iowa farmer and NCGA President Chris Edgington. “Fertilizers have become increasingly hard to secure and pay for because of tariffs or the threat of tariffs on imports.”

The members write that eliminating these duties on fertilizer imports provides the most immediate opportunity for a near-term, partial remedy to the high costs of fertilizer facing U.S. farmers before the end of the 2022 planting season. Additional information and other signers of the letter are at
