Iowa beef producers assume national leadership positions

Beef producers, advocates, students and organizations from across the country convened to discuss industry topics such as beef demand trends, international trade, and Beef Checkoff Contractor updates during the recent Cattle Industry Convention in Houston.

Nine producer leaders from Iowa attended, representing the Iowa Beef Industry Council while serving in various capacities of leadership on the Federation of State Beef Councils and the Cattlemen’s Beef Board.

Janine Moore of What Cheer, Iowa, was nominated and successfully elected to serve as the Federation of State Beef Council’s Region III Vice President. Janine will act as a regional liaison to the Federation of State Beef Councils on behalf of qualified state beef councils from Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin.

The vision of the Federation of State Beef Councils, a division of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, is to build beef demand by inspiring, unifying and supporting an effective state and national Beef Checkoff partnership. It provides a voice and performance vehicle by which producers and qualified state beef councils collectively influence and give direction to the Beef Checkoff.

Among other duties, the regional vice president works closely with state beef councils, coordinates regional activities, facilitates Federation Division regional elections and champions Checkoff efforts within the region, especially state beef council engagement in the federation.

Janine’s leadership will be instrumental in helping Iowans remain apprised of the most current Beef Checkoff promotions. It’s important that the diversity of Midwestern producers is represented in beef promotional activities. Janine’s newly appointed position presents a great opportunity for Iowans and other Midwestern state, who share a similar size and scope of operations, to strengthen our voice at the decision-making table.

Furthermore, Iowa continues to have a strong delegation of representatives on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. CBB serves as the Beef Checkoff mothership and administers authorization requests to contracts each year. CBB representatives are selected from each state by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

The group thanks Stephanie Dykshorn of Ireton, Iowa, for her time in leadership as her term has now come to completion. Madrid beef producer, David Bruene, was appointed for a second, three-year term while Mike Holden, of Scranton, was selected as a new representative. Ross Havens of Wiota and Jenni Peters of Bellevue also represent Iowans within CBB.