NCBA to host webinar on tick causing concern in cattle industry

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, in conjunction with USDA, is hosting a two-day webinar to discuss the Asian longhorned tick and its possible impact on the U.S. cattle industry. The free event will be held Aug. 23 to 24 from 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. CDT each day.

The webinar will provide cattle producers, state animal health officials, veterinarians and other key stakeholders with current information from industry experts about how to identify and manage the tick. Veterinarians from currently affected states and USDA officials will discuss disease implications, as well as possible treatment options and prevention of ticks.

The Asian longhorned tick is an invasive pest first found in the U.S. in 2017. Since then, it has spread to 17 states ranging from the South to the East Coast. It has not yet been reported in Kansas, but has been found in Missouri. The tick is extremely mobile and very aggressive, causing stress and severe blood loss in cattle. It also carries diseases such as bovine theileriosis, which causes anemia, failure to grow, persistent infection, reproductive problems and, in some cases, death. There currently is no approved treatment for the disease.

“This tick species is of great concern, but producers can protect their herd through frequent inspection and by reporting sightings to their veterinarian or local animal health official,” said NCBA Chief Veterinarian Kathy Simmons. “The first step is knowing what to look for and I encourage producers to participate in this important webinar to receive the most current information.”

For more information and to register, click here.