Company wraps up plot tours with glimpse of technology, crop protection

BASF Agricultural Solutions wrapped up its 2022 Showcase Plot Tours in August with events at research farms in Goehner, Nebraska, and Story City, Iowa. Growers and retailers had the chance to chat with agronomists and in-field experts about what they’re facing in fields this year, in addition to taking a closer look at a few key innovations coming down the pipeline.

Among the advancements on display was the Smart Sprayer from Bosch and BASF. Aaron Hunsinger, customer acquisition manager with Bosch BASF Smart Farming, highlighted the nuts and bolts of this new sprayer system and gave growers a glimpse into how the sprayer is able to detect and get rid of weeds with spot spraying technology.

In addition to smarter weed control technology, BASF encouraged growers to approach their weed management plans differently. Current practices for managing weeds are becoming unsustainable for growers and the industry as weeds have become increasingly resistant. By taking a balanced approach of utilizing cultural and mechanical practices, chemical control and eradication diligence, growers can help combat resistance in their fields.

Efficient weed control wasn’t the only issue on growers’ minds this year. Troy Bauer, a technical field representative with BASF, discussed the importance of protecting crops and planning for the soybean cyst nematode. Nematodes can be quite difficult to detect and get rid of in soybean fields, and they are a leading cause of soybean yield loss in North America, Bauer said. They can infest the plant below the ground and impact soybean roots as early as six weeks from emersion.

Oftentimes, infested soybean plants may not show any symptoms, which is where Bauer says that seed treatments can come into play to help eliminate yield loss. The novel NRS seed trait is among a strong pipeline of innovations from BASF that will also help soybean farmers protect their yield and profitability.

Jeff Mueller, Midwest seed agronomist for BASF, touched on the strides that BASF is making in the seed breeding industry. Mueller highlighted the lineup of new soybean varieties for the upcoming year and discussed how BASF is focused on localized breeding in the Midwest. He says that this more localized approach helps ensure BASF gives growers the best information about the varieties they need for their fields.

For more information regarding these advancements or additional plot tours this year, reach out to a local BASF representative or visit the BASF website at