Colorado goes cage free

On Jan. 1, 2023, all eggs and egg products sold in Colorado must be compliant with HB20-1343, concerning confinement standards for egg-laying hens, and 8 CCR 1202-19 Rules pertaining to the Act.

Producers will phase into fully cage-free by 2025. Starting Jan. 1, farms (egg producers) have to demonstrate a ratio of one square foot per hen to become certified and sell eggs in Colorado.

Farms with 3,000 or fewer egg-laying hens and business owners who sell fewer than 25 cases of 30 dozen shell eggs per week—750 dozen per week—are exempt from these regulatory requirements.

More information about the program, including FAQs and application material can be found on the CDA’s website at

Starting on Jan. 1, CDA staff will begin inspecting retailers, farms, and eggs to ensure compliance by in-state and out-of-state producers and distributors. Since this is a new regulatory program, non-compliance by egg producers and business owners will be first addressed through education about the law. CDA will work with egg producers and business owners to establish a reasonable amount of time to come into compliance with the regulation. Follow up inspections resulting in repeated noncompliance can result in enforcement action, including civil fines.

Retailers, producers, and processors who have questions concerning the new regulations or require assistance with applying for a certificate of compliance can contact Julie Mizak at [email protected] for more information.