
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Read Genesis 22:1-19

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.—Psalm 23:1 (NRSVUE) 

Several years ago, I was employed in a school administration office. One day I had only enough money for my commute to the office. Because I had no money to buy breakfast, I continued working at my desk rather than joining the others who left for the canteen. 

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, and I turned to see a friend of mine who was a pastor. I was surprised to see him at school. He invited me to join him for breakfast in the canteen where he paid for my meal, gave me some extra money, and offered me a pair of shoes. I could not believe it. My shoes had holes in them. When I asked him what prompted him to extend all these kind gestures, he said that he felt called to do so. 

This incident occurred seven years ago, and it led me to have complete trust in God for all my needs. Presently, I am a student at a theological college and I believe my friend’s generosity was the beginning of God’s calling upon me to serve in ministry full-time. God can provide for our needs in surprising ways. 

Prayer: Dear God, you see our needs and provide for us in unexpected ways. Thank you. Amen. 

Thought for the day: I can trust God to meet my needs in unexpected ways. 

Shantha Rosa, Sri Lanka