After Thanksgiving activities another highly anticipated season begins.
Trying to purchase a Christmas gift for a farmer and rancher is difficult because of his natural inclination to shift the focus to his wife or children. As a result many gifts over time have been practical and useful—shotgun and rifle shells, gloves, coveralls, work boots, stocking caps, and tools—are items that come in handy.
The farm wife also received gifts that were practical and priceless—from a sewing machine, to cooking utensils, a sweater and stylish gloves for proper occasions—were well-received too.
Parents and grandparents, depending on the age of the kids, were known to splurge on bicycles, dolls and BB guns and added stocking stuffers that at times included money even in a down year. In good and bad times families were at the forefront and gifts made it worthwhile.
Not forgotten
In a time not so long ago every town had a place to get all their gifts as every county seat had a Gibson’s, Duckwall’s and ALCO, Ben Franklin, OTASCO, and TG&Y to name a few. Today many discount chain stores no longer exist and rural families have adapted.
Today people can still go to businesses in rural communities and find gifts that make recipients smile. We encourage people to continue to look for opportunities because gifts purchased locally will ripple through the economy and generate tax dollars to support local schools and improve roads and bridges.
New opportunity
People get teased by the internet on purchases—and we’re not alone—it can add to the holiday cheer. In Kansas, for example, the Kansas Department of Agriculture has released “From the Land of Kansas” gift box suggestions that allow people to capture the rural spirit through an assortment of products grown, raised or produced in the Sunflower State.
While we encourage local buys first, we are also intrigued by nifty packaging by “From the Land of Kansas” program. Each gift box contains an assortment of products grown, raised or produced in Kansas with size options available—the Konza Box and Ad Astra Box. “From the Land of Kansas” gift boxes can be modified and personalized.
The Konza Box includes honey, beef jerky, wheat snacks, hot chocolate, cooking sauce, beef sticks, popcorn and sunflower oil. The Ad Astra box includes salsa, teriyaki beef sticks, dry rub, ranch dip mix, red wine, chocolate sauce, popcorn, chocolate bar, lavender lip balm, beer bread mix and sunflower oil.
For more pertinent instructions on orders and information, visit Readers from other regions may want to see what is available in their states. The days of yesteryear can be rekindled with innovation. Santa Claus is impressed by what rural entrepreneurs continue to do on a daily basis.
We hope your Christmas shopping season is filled with fun as it is about a month away.
Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or