PrairieFood can help revitalize soil

If growers are looking to rejuvenate their soil and create better growing conditions for any crop, they may want to take a closer look at PrairieFood.
With a single product, PrairieFood awakens dormant microorganisms that revitalize and nourish your soil. PrairieFood is not a biologic, but it can help them work better as PrairieFood feeds all soil microbes.
While other soil amendments are derived from non-renewable sources like coal, PrairieFood’s patented CarbonShred process is 100% natural and transforms biowaste into a micro-carbon rich soil superfood. PrairieFood helps growers to gradually reduce their cost of fertility inputs by restoring the natural systems crops thrive on.
PrairieFood accelerates the benefits of their current practices, like cover crops, low till and grazing by supporting and making them even better. And the benefits of PrairieFood accumulate over time. Can a grower think of another crop input that provides an increasing return on investment three years later? PrairieFood helps farmers build healthy, drought resistant soil, ending a reliance on expensive inputs.
PrairieFood Slurry and Nitro products work within all current agriculture systems and can be applied most any time of year. Start building soil carbon immediately and accelerate residue breakdown ahead of spring planting for a nutrient credit. Apply in-furrow, with any size sprayer or irrigation system.
Contact PrairieFood now and reserve your order for year-end tax breaks. PrairieFood has a corporate office in Lawrence, Kansas, and a production and distribution facility in Pratt, Kansas.
For more information, call 620-933-SOIL (7645), or visit