Pecan pest management workshop set

On average, the harvested pecan meat from papershell pecans runs from 50 to 62 percent. A native pecan runs anywhere from 30 to 42 percent. (Journal photo by Lacey Newlin.)

The Oklahoma Pecan Management Program offered through Oklahoma State University Extension will host a free pecan workshop from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 22 to help growers with pest management.

The event, which will be at Gordon Cooper Technology Center, 1 John C Bruton Dr., Shawnee, Oklahoma, will also offer producers five continuing education units for a private pesticide applicator license.

The one-day workshop covering new pest management options, current and best practices for pest control, and opportunities to receive continuing education units for a private pesticide applicator license.

Program highlights and presenters include “Partnership for success: Opportunities for grower-academia partnerships in managing emerging pecan disease frontiers,” Mustafa Jibrin, OSU assistant professor; “Opportunities and challenges for microbial biopesticides in pecan weevil control,” Kelly Seuhs, OSU associate Extension specialist; “Pesticide application safety,” Kevin Shelton, OSU associate Extension specialist; “Pesticide storage and disposal,” Charles Luper, OSU Extension associate; “Sprayer tips and information, ”Kenton Stanley, Savage Equipment, Inc.; and “Controlling weeds in the orchard or grove,” Becky Carroll, OSU senior Extension specialist.


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