Gathering for gardeners

A day filled with free gardening information for homeowners and gardeners has been scheduled for March 9 by the Hutchinson Horticulture Club, which organizes and sponsors this event as their educational project for the community. It will be held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, at 407 East 12th, in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. with the morning session beginning at 9 a.m. The first topic is Herbs – Growing, Using and Abusing by Kay Neff of Neff Family Farm located outside Sedgwick, Ks. At 10 a.m., Fall Gardening – Extend your Gardening Season will be presented by James Taylor, retired instructor of Hutchinson Community College. At 11 am., Jarrod Bornholdt, of Bornholdt Plantland, has arranged for Eric George, a Monrovia sales representative from Paola, to present New & Newer Perennials, Shrub Roses & Other Shrubs.
The afternoon programs will resume at 1 p.m., with Krista Dahlinger, from Mulvane, an officer of the Kansas Native Plant Society, addressing the topic of Less Lawn – More Habitat. At 2 p.m., Rob Mortko, of Made in the Shade Gardens, in Olathe, will speak about Hostas: Everything You Want to Know About America’s Most Popular Perennial. The final presentation will be at 3 p.m. with the topic Success in Making Colorful Containers that will be covered by Jason French, retail manager and plant specialist at Stutzmans Greenhouse.
There will be no charge to attend any of the programs although registration at the door is requested.