
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Read: 2 Peter 3:14-18 

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. —2 Peter 3:18 (NIV) 

Our Bible study was going to be about the word grace. We were asked to share a verse about it, and I chose 2 Peter 3:18. 

The morning of the Bible study I looked out my apartment window. A large gray sack was lying in the parking spot next to my car. Was it a person? I didn’t see any movement. I looked out a while later and saw a dingy, disheveled man standing by his sleeping bag. He was one of the many people who are homeless in our city. 

I was outraged. Much money and effort has been spent on addressing homelessness in our city, yet many people remain on the streets. I took a photo of him and sent it with an email to my landlord. 

Then I felt an inner twinge. Whatever his situation, he was a human being, sleeping on the pavement. 

I thought of 2 Peter 3:18 and began to pray, asking for guidance. I felt my heart soften. How would Jesus respond? I thought about Jesus’ actions in scripture and knew that Jesus would want me to pray. 

Two weeks later I met a young woman holding a sign asking for help. I prayed for her and felt encouraged to talk with her. Her story surprised me, and she welcomed prayer. As we prayed together, I felt God’s peace and joy. 

Today’s prayer: Dear Jesus, open the eyes of our hearts to see others as you do. Help us to grow in the grace and knowledge of you. Amen. 

Thought for the Day: Following Jesus’ example helps me respond with love to the needs of others. 

Lyla Peterson (Oregon, USA)