Hay demand very light for all hay offerings

Round hay bales

Demand is still very light for all hay offerings while hay prices remain steady but soft, according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, July 23.

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor’s High Plains summary for the week of July 16, a few pockets of above-normal precipitation were recorded in areas of eastern Kansas at the end of the current period. Abnormally dry conditions were expanded in northwest and southeast Kansas. Prices are based on averages and given on a per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted. 

Southwest—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa prices are steady. Grinding alfalfa price steady and ground and delivered alfalfa price steady. Alfalfa: Dairy, $1.15-$1.25/point RFV. Fair/good, old crop grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $115-$125 delivered, new crop $115-$125 delivered, old crop large 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $110-$120, new crop, $110-120 delivered. Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, $155-$165. Triticale, large squares, $85-$95, ground and delivered $155. For the week ending July 20, 3,215 tons of grinding alfalfa and 23 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.

South central—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa prices are steady. Grinding alfalfa steady, Ground and delivered steady, and alfalfa pellet price all steady. Alfalfa: Dairy $1.15-$1.25/point RFV. Fair/good old crop grinding alfalfa, large rounds $120–$130 delivered, new crop, $120-$130 delivered, old crop 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $110-$120 delivered, new crop, $110-$120 delivered. Alfalfa ground and delivered, $150-$165. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $255-$265, 17% protein, $275-$280, dehydrated 17% protein, $385-$400. Bluestem grass hay, large rounds and large squares, $120-$130. For the week ending July 20, 8,770 tons of grinding alfalfa and 775 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.

Southeast—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Bluestem and brome hay price steady. Good, stock cow, new crop $130. Bluestem grass hay, old crop small squares, $180-$200, large round old crop, $125-$135, large 3×4 and 4×4 squares, old crop, $150-$160. Brome, old crop small squares, $200-$205, large 3×4 and 4×4 squares, new crop, $160-$170. For the week ending July 20, 1,177 tons of grass hay was reported bought or sold.

Northwest—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Grinding alfalfa prices are steady. Horse alfalfa, small squares, $13.25/bale. Fair/good alfalfa, 3×3 squares, old crop, $120. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $100.

North central/northeast—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa price is steady, grinding alfalfa steady, ground and delivered steady, and grass hay mostly steady. Alfalfa: Dairy $1.15-$1.25/point RFV. Premium horse hay, small squares, $13/bale. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, old crop, large rounds, $85-$95, new crop large rounds, $85-$95. Old crop alfalfa ground and delivered, $150-$170. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $8-$9/bale, large rounds, $100-$110, large 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $130-$135. Brome, old crop small squares, $10-$14/bale, new crop large rounds, $120-$140, new crop, large squares, $145-$155. Wheat straw, large rounds, $60-$70. For the week ending July 20, 844 tons of grinding alfalfa and 185 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.

Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Manhattan, Kansas.