Recession fears felt by markets

We have a lot going on in the United States now. With the big fear of a recession, a lot of the markets have taken a hit. With a lot of chaos going on in the political world, I am very concerned about our next election in November.

I am never against those who want to make better lives for themselves or their families, but with the 11 million undocumented immigrants that have been allowed to enter the United States in the past three years, we do not have a clue who all has entered the U.S.

We have idiots who have said we won’t prosecute you if you just steal under $1,000 at a time. What kind of idiot uses that logic? What businesses can stand that kind of loss? If you tell a thief you can steal $950 every day and nothing will happen, that person can steal $ 346,750 a year. Wake up, America, or suffer the consequences not only for you but for your kids and grandkids, too. These are very serious times. The farther we get away from “In God We Trust,” the more America will struggle and perhaps not survive.

Cattle markets have also taken a big hit. The prices are still better than most of us thought they would ever reach.

My older sister pulled up beside me and rolled down her window. I walked over to her pickup truck, and it just so happened there were several grasshoppers by her window. So of course I did what every brother should do. I captured one in my hand and released it in her pickup over by her head, thinking she would want a close-up look. She jerked back and called me stupid. She reminded me that she just had a stint put in, and she isn’t supposed to jerk. I don’t remember suggesting that she should jerk.

A 40-year-old cowboy came into the café on a day that was extremely hot. He announced to several other cowboy-type people that he loves this time of year. They looked at him like he was the biggest idiot they had ever seen. One of them said, “Why do you like it this hot?” He said, “Cause I can sit in the house all day and not feel guilty.”

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.