Kansas Soybean Association offers contest

Pile of soybeans. (Photo by alexander Ponomarev at Pixabay.)

The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest that analyzes protein, oil and other soybean qualities is also open for entries. Strong participation across the state provides a snapshot of growing conditions in each region and allows friendly competition among peers.

KSA has unveiled important date changes for the 2024 contests, including an expedited postmark-by date of Nov. 15 and revisions to the announcement timeline. Results are expected to be released mid-December, followed by official winner recognition at the inaugural Kansas Soybean Celebration Jan. 31 in Salina. Yield contest districts are determined by region, tillage method and irrigation status, with a total of 18 districts in consideration. No-till on the Plains supplies additional awards in the no-till categories. Farmers may enter multiple categories, but only one entry per field.

A full guide of contest rules and regulations, as well as the digital entry form, are available at kansassoybeans.org/contests. Questions may be directed to the Kansas Soybean office by phone at 877-KS-SOYBEAN (877-577-6923).