Show-Me-Select replacement heifer sales set

When purchasing bred heifers, it is important to know their expected calving date and vaccination history. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Six regional sales are scheduled this fall for heifers enrolled in the University of Missouri Extension’s Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program.

Thiago Martins, state Extension beef reproduction specialist, said Show-Me-Select certifies the quality of heifers and provides predictability on productive potential of heifers.

Show-Me-Select uses the latest research on health, nutrition, genetics and reproductive science to ensure Missouri counties continue to be national leaders in providing quality beef, Martins said. Show-Me-Select heifers have been sold to buyers in 21 states since the program began in 1997. More than 900 Missouri farms have participated.

Another marketing opportunity within the program is Show-Me-Plus, a secondary classification certifying that Show-Me-Select heifers are sold with additional genomic information to the buyer. That information is delivered in the form of genomically enhanced expected progeny differences or commercial genomic test results. For more information, visit