Keepin’ your eggs fresh in cold weather: Beat the winter freeze

Keeping winter eggs from freezing. (Photo: Joanna Starkey)

When the temps drop, it ain’t just your chickens feelin’ the chill—your fresh eggs can freeze up fast, too! Frozen eggs can crack, makin’ ‘em useless or even unsafe. Let’s talk about how to keep your eggs safe and sound during those frosty days.

Why Eggs Freeze and Crack

Eggs freeze when they sit too long in the cold, and once frozen, the inside expands and can crack the shell. That can let bacteria sneak in and spoil your hard-earned eggs.

Tips for Preventin’ Frozen Eggs:

  1. Gather Eggs Often: Collect eggs a few times a day, especially early in the mornin’ and before nightfall.
  2. Warm Up the Nesting Boxes: Add extra bedding like straw or pine shavings to keep the eggs cozy longer.
  3. Close Up Drafts: Make sure the coop stays snug, but don’t forget ventilation!
  4. Use Roll-Away Nest Boxes: These handy boxes tuck the eggs safely away from the cold until you collect ‘em.

What to Do with Frozen Eggs:

  • If the shell’s cracked, toss it or feed em’ back to the chickens.
  • If it’s frozen but not cracked, let it thaw in the fridge and cook it up soon.

Keepin’ Eggs Fresh All Winter Long

A little extra effort goes a long way in keepin’ those eggs perfect and your flock happy. So, bundle up, check those nesting boxes often, and enjoy your fresh eggs, no matter how cold it gets. Happy farmin’ and keep cluckin’ on!