Ada livestock auction report

The Southern Oklahoma Livestock Auction, Ada, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 650 head on Jan. 17, compared to 4,831 head last week and 1,346 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, the calves were mostly steady in light test. A severe cold front brought single digit temperatures and below zero wind chills, which limited receipts. The overall quality was average and the demand was very good for the limited numbers. Heifers made up 47% of the supply and cattle weighing over 600 pounds were 29% of the supply.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 4 head, 210 to 245 lbs., 200.00 to 220.00 (211.26); 4 head, 275 to 288 lbs., 205.00 to 215.00 (212.59); 5 head, 320 to 345 lbs., 201.00 to 212.00 (206.35); 19 head, 355 to 375 lbs., 195.00 to 202.00 (198.49); 401 to 445 lbs., 180.00 to 189.00 (183.74); 5 head, 425 to 440 lbs., 168.00 to 178.00 (175.41) fleshy; 14 head, 465 to 495 lbs., 169.00 to 175.00 (173.79); 501 to 525 lbs., 164.00 to 173.00 (168.83); 18 head, 605 to 614 lbs., 147.00 to 154.00 (149.77) calves; 658 to 692 lbs., 143.00 to 146.00 (145.00) calves; 10 head, 748 lbs., 141.00 calves; 16 head, 871 lbs., 137.00; 3 head, 933 lbs., 133.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 3 head, 432 lbs., 177.00; 3 head, 545 lbs., 164.00; 4 head, 553 lbs., 156.00; 8 head, 619 to 635 lbs., 140.00 to 144.00 (143.49) calves; 9 head, 699 lbs., 140.00. Medium and large frame 2, 11 head, 455 to 473 lbs., 168.00 to 169.50 (169.19); 5 head, 508 to 535 lbs., 150.00 to 159.00 (153.76); 9 head, 556 to 590 lbs., 146.00 to 151.00 (149.84); 3 head, 667 lbs., 135.00; 9 head, 659 lbs., 137.50 calves; 6 head, 787 lbs., 130.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 3 head, 460 to 485 lbs., 163.00 to 174.00 (168.57); 6 head, 575 to 598 lbs., 143.00 to 148.00 (145.83); 3 head, 755 to 785 lbs., 120.00 to 128.00 (125.28).

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 330 to 345 lbs., 160.00 to 171.00 (164.38); 360 to 395 lbs., 157.00 to 169.00 (165.90); 3 head, 390 lbs., 156.00 fleshy; 400 to 435 lbs., 153.00 to 168.00 (162.20); 452 to 495 lbs., 149.00 to 161.00 (156.32); 501 to 548 lbs., 144.00 to 154.00 (148.00); 11 head, 553 to 585 lbs., 142.00 to 143.00 (142.83); 5 head, 646 lbs., 142.00; 7 head, 670 lbs., 137.00; 18 head, 665 to 696 lbs., 131.00 to 137.00 (134.47) calves; 3 head, 720 to 745 lbs., 131.50 to 134.00 (132.34); 2 head, 800 lbs., 126.00 to 128.00 (127.00). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 213 to 225 lbs., 156.00 to 160.00 (157.66); 5 head, 256 lbs., 158.00; 5 head, 587 lbs., 135.00. Medium and large frame 2, 5 head, 277 to 295 lbs., 142.50 to 150.00 (144.37); 5 head, 355 to 360 lbs., 150.00; 3 head, 447 lbs., 146.00; 5 head, 510 to 548 lbs., 138.00 to 142.00 (140.42); 5 head, 565 to 568 lbs., 130.00 to 133.00 (131.80).