Newell sheep sales report
The St. Onge Newell Sheep Yards, Newell, South Dakota, reported receipts of 1,821 head selling on Aug. 23, compared to 2,108 head a week ago and 1,303 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Compared to a week ago, feeder lambs stayed steady with only $1 to $4 higher on the averages, 95% of the offering was moderate to fleshy feeder lambs, balance consisted of slaughter ewes and bucks. Slaughter ewes were selling $2 to $8 lower than last week. There was a moderate demand for feeder lambs.
Slaughter lambs: Wooled Choice and Prime 2 to 3, 19 head, 133 lbs., 111.00.
Slaughter ewes: Good 2 to 3, 158 head, 147 lbs., 54.00 fleshy; 68 head, 172 lbs., 47.00. Good 3 to 4, 20 head, 212 lbs., 47.00. Utility and good 1 to 2, 116 head, 132 lbs., 41.00. Utility 1 to 2, 49 head, 149 lbs., 46.00. Cull 1, 20 head, 127 lbs., 32.00.
Feeder lambs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 32 head, 65 lbs., 152.00; 34 head, 94 lbs., 146.50; 72 to 79 lbs., 138.00 to 147.00 (140.99); 84 to 88 lbs., 139.00 to 141.00 (140.55); 10 head, 89 lbs., 125.00 fleshy; 111 head, 94 lbs., 135.50 to 136.00 (135.58); 15 head, 94 lbs., 124.00 bums; 168 head, 92 lbs., 140.00 fancy; 100 to 109 lbs., 124.00 to 130.00 (126.79); 111 to 119 lbs., 122.00 to 125.00 (124.14). Small frame 1 to 2, 21 head, 42 lbs., 165.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, 53 to 57 lbs., 153.00 to 155.00 (153.93); 57 head, 76 lbs., 136.00 bums.
Slaughter bucks: 249 lbs., 46.00 per hundredweight.