Prowers County youth selected for National 4-H Conference trip

In December of 2017, Angelina Downing interviewed with the state 4-H office to represent Colorado at the national 4-H Conference in April of this year.

Downing says, “I was a little bit nervous because I interviewed last year and was just out of the running by one person.”

As the holidays went by and the new year moved in, Downing waited patiently for the call. At the beginning of January that call was received. Out of several candidates around the state, she was selected. Her mother Alicia Downing states, “I have never been so proud of my daughter. She has blossomed because of 4-H”.

The National 4-H Conference is held in Chevy Chase, Maryland, as it has been home to the National 4-H Center since 1959. At the conference, Downing will participate in round table discussions and planning activities with other youth from across the nation. Topics will cover modern agriculture, social media, house and senate issues and many more. When asked what she was most excited about Downing stated, “Meeting people from across the country and learning how agriculture looks through their eyes.”

Downing has started planning and preparing for her trip and is excited for April to roll around.

If you are interested in getting involved in an organization that reaches across the country, 4-H comes highly recommended. More information about 4-H can be found on or by reaching out to your local extension office.