2024 NILE Merit Heifer Program information

An incredible opportunity for today’s youth to get involved in the cattle industry is the NILE Merit Heifer Program. Applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 year.
The NILE Merit Heifer program is a live animal scholarship. Recipients receive a heifer calf to help them get a start in the beef cattle business and gain knowledge about the beef industry. During the program, participants are responsible for caretaking, record keeping, breeding, and bringing the heifer back to the NILE Stock Show as a bred heifer to compete for honors such as top showman, top heifer, and top herdsman.
Program participants are chosen based on merit, future goals, and ability to care for the animal. 4-H or FFA members who are 12 to 16 years old may apply. Applicants are not limited to Montana residents.
The NILE Merit Heifer Program is seeking producers interested in donating a heifer calf for the upcoming year. If you are interested, please contact Shelby at 406-256-2499.
Applications and a link to the YouTube video must be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than June 30. No hard copies will be accepted. The 2024 recipients will be announced in late summer of 2023. Applications are available online at bit.ly/3NpQaq6.