Cow Calf

Coyote. (Adobe Stock │ #340763004 - Redhaven Photography)

Predator problems? A control guide for livestock producers

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Konza Prairie Fires (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)
Black and black baldie cattle predominate the Merrill Ranch in Comanche County, Kansas. (Journal photo by Kylene Scott)
Calves (Journal photo by Jennifer M. Latzke)

Study shows effects of early diet options in beef x dairy calves

Cattle on pasture. (Adobe Stock │ #112955460 - Nazzu)

Timing, flexibility key to grazing tall fescue spring flush

Texas wildfire (Texas A&M Forest Service photo.)
K-State experts say yearling bulls will need a time of transition between the sale and breeding turnout. (K-State Research and Extension)

Yearling bull management and herd value