Tonia Miller, Sandhills Veterinary Services, pulls a sample on a bull to test for trichomoniasis. (Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)
The moment a heifer is born, her DNA can be tested to show her future performance and profitability. (Journal photo by Lacey Vilhauer.)
(Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Cattle Chat: Reasons to check for pregnancy 

(Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agriculture.)
(Journal stock photo by Jennifer Carrico.)
(Journal stock photo by Jennifer Theurer.)

Extension to offer two sessions on artificial insemination in cattle 

Fall weaning is the time when some producers make keep or cull decisions for the herd. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Cattle Chat: Deciding to keep or sell heifers 

(Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agriculture.)