
Overwinter roses (Photo: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)

Yard and garden: preparing plants for winter

  • By Aaron J. Steil │ Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
PARTNER CONTENT Raking fallen leaves in the garden (Photo: iStock - Zbynek Pospisil)

Mow or compost leaves for best results

Old rusty traditional tools, instruments, implements and farm or household equipment on wooden shed wall background. (Photo: iStock - AVolke)

After the season: A few chores remain for gardeners

You’ve moved plants indoors: now what?

Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in flight closeup (Photo: iStock - chris2766 - www.chrissmithphotos.net)
Mule deer on the plains at sunset. (Photo: iStock - peeterv)
(Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)
Piper Yule. (Photo courtesy of Covy Moore.)