Hostas, the stars of shady landscapes, earned the National Garden Bureau’s nod as Perennial of the Year for 2024. (Photo by David Trinklein.)

Hosta steps out of the shadows in 2024

  • By Linda Geist │ University of Missouri Extension
Digging in garden beds. Weeding weeds in the garden. (Photo: iStock - Anna Solovei)

Spring gardening checklist

Onions (Photo: Cindy Haynes)

Yard and Garden: planting and growing onions

  • By Aaron J. Steil │ Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
To revive a compost pile or bin like the ones pictured, begin by assessing a starting point, turning the pile, managing inputs, and setting reminders to put this process on repeat. (Photos: Gemini Bhalsod, Illinois Extension)
Morel Mushrooms found in wooded area. Morels are type of spring wild mushroom with meaty texture with nutty flavor. (Photo: iStock - Sergey-AND-Marina)
Northern Bobwhite - profile (Photo: iStock - passion4nature)
Some homeowners may choose to save on their watering bill by waiting a couple weeks later to seed cool-season grasses this year, says Kansas State University horticulture expert Ward Upham. (Photo courtesy of K-State Research and Extension.)

Lawn calendar for cool-season grasses

Salad plantation in a square garden at springtime, and some tomato plantation and flowers. (Photo: iStock - NCAImages)

Companion planting: Positive partnerships that produce more