Extremely dry conditions reported across state

The New Year began with very little precipitation for the month of January, with every station that reported recording below normal rainfall for the year, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, New Mexico. In fact for this 28-day period, 10 out of the 45 weather stations reported no precipitation. Overall, topsoil moisture levels were reported as 15 percent adequate to surplus, compared with 21 percent for the month of December, and 47 percent last year. Of the stations that accumulated precipitation during the month, only one station reported more than an inch of rain. Average temperatures ranged from -7 degrees below normal to 5 degrees above normal. While moisture was received in some areas during the first part of the year, extremely dry conditions were reported across the state. Daytime highs varied from 52 degrees at Chama to 79 degrees at Clayton. Overnight lows ranged from -18 degrees at Angel Fire to 22 degrees at New Mexico State University. Statewide, winter wheat condition continued to deteriorate since the end of December, with 10 percent reported as good to excellent, compared with 27 percent for December, and 8 percent last year. Comments from the Northeast part of the state noted drought-like conditions and stress to wheat due to lack of moisture.

Monthly reports will be released for February on Feb. 26 and for March on March 26.