National Farmers members approve crop insurance, dairy program, CRP policy positions

At the recent National Farmers’ annual convention in Mason, Ohio, members approved policies focusing on crop insurance, a workable dairy program for family farmers, Conservation Reserve Program marginal land enrollment and the Farm Bill.

“National Farmers supports current funding levels for affordable crop insurance, because of its effectiveness in protecting farm incomes and importance in securing operating loans,” said National Farmers Ag Policy Coordinator Gene Paul. For organic grains, the organization supports premium rates commensurate with payments available for losses incurred.

National Farmers supports a strong safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers. This includes the following:

Simplifying the Margin Protection Program for family operated dairy farms;

Allowing grain producers to enroll marginal land into CRP for just one to three years;

Creating growth management programs for milk and grain producers;

Retaining farm and nutrition programs in one package; and

Supporting the Soil Health and Income Protection Program as proposed by Senator John Thune.

“National Farmers member policy discussions included Reinstatement of Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling,” said Paul. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling must be included in all trade agreements so U.S. producers can compete against the growing tide of undifferentiated products imported into their domestic market, Paul said.

Member organic grain producers were apprised of concerns about fraudulent organic grain imports that have depressed U.S. producer prices.

“We would like to see an investigation by the Senate and House Agriculture Committees regarding oversight failure for organic grain imports,” said Paul.

National Farmers markets milk, livestock and crops for thousands of American agricultural producers. We offer six decades of experience representing farmers and ranchers, and grouping production from many ag operations. We help producers market together. National Farmers’ experienced marketing professionals negotiate on conventional and certified organic farmers’ behalf in cash and contract sales, establishing commodity sales terms with the farmers’ interests in mind.

National Farmers also provides access to today’s sophisticated risk management tools for commodities. We guide producers of many operation sizes through the process of using forward contracts, and put and call options. For more information about National Farmers, visit or call 800-247-2110.