Kansas State University animal scientists recognized

Luis Mendonca, Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry assistant professor and extension specialist, has been named an American Society of Animal Science Outstanding Young Extension Specialist. He was honored during the recent ASAS Midwest Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska.

Mendonca has been a member of the K-State ASI faculty since 2013. He attended the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil, earning his DVM in 2006. Following graduation, he worked in a private practice across various states of Brazil and Bolivia in 2007. In 2008, he moved to Tulare, California, and was hired as a postgraduate researcher working in large dairy operations and dairy production research at the Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center. Wanting to further his knowledge in the dairy industry, he obtained his master’s degree and completed his residency in Dairy Production Medicine in 2012 at the University of Minnesota.

At K-State, Mendonca serves as the state dairy extension specialist and has a 30 percent research and 70 percent extension appointment. He has developed an extension and research program addressing issues facing the Kansas and U.S. dairy industry. He provides expert advice to dairy operations in reproductive management, heat abatement, calving management and benchmarking.

Mendonca developed a successful benchmarking tool for dairy producers, which is available online at DrinkDairy.com. He has been an invited speaker to seven international meetings, has published 20 manuscripts, 42 conference abstracts, proceedings and extension publications as author or co-author.

“Dr. Mendonca is a trusted advisor to commercial dairies, providing timely information and training to owners, managers and employees,” says Joel DeRouchey, K-State animal sciences and industry extension program leader. “He has developed a reputation as a go-to resource; and we could not be prouder of his accomplishments.”

Jon Bergstrom, K-State ASI masters and Ph.D. graduate in swine nutrition, was also recognized during the Midwest ASAS meeting with the Outstanding Early Career Agribusiness Award. Brad Kim, K-State ASI Food Science masters alumnus, won the Outstanding Young Research Award.