Dicamba products classified as restricted use in South Dakota

As of April 30, all pesticide products containing only dicamba and having agricultural use labels sold in South Dakota are classified as restricted use pesticides. This includes over-the-counter herbicides that were previously sold to unlicensed applicators and producers. Since these products have been classified as RUPs by the State of South Dakota, but not by the federal government, they will not display the restricted use pesticide legend on the label. A list of 2018 registered products impacted by this new classification can be found on the South Dakota Department of Agriculture’s website, sdda.sd.gov, by clicking on the “Dicamba Information” link under the “Happening Now” section.

Applicators will be required to be certified private or commercial applicators to purchase and apply these products. In addition to state certification, the SDDA encourages applicators to take a dicamba-specific training. An online training is available on the SDDA’s website. All applicators will be required to maintain application records for each application of these products and any other RUPs. The records of application must be kept for three years.

Three dicamba products, Xtendimax with Vapor Grip technology, Fexapan with Vapor Grip technology and Engenia, were classified as RUPs by the Environmental Protection Agency effective October of 2017. Separate regulations surround the sale and use of these products, including a requirement that applicators complete a dicamba-specific training.

Any questions about this change or the regulation of dicamba products can be directed to the SDDA at 605-773-4432.

Agriculture is a major contributor to South Dakota’s economy, generating $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 115,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture’s mission is to promote, protect and preserve South Dakota agriculture for today and tomorrow. Visit us online at sdda.sd.gov or find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.