Syngenta hits the road to commemorate National Pollinator Week

As National Pollinator Week (June 18 to 24) approaches, a Syngenta team is preparing to embark on a road trip up the Monarch Highway (Interstate 35) to bring awareness to some of the people who contribute to pollinator health and stewardship. The I-35 corridor is recognized as the Monarch Highway, because it parallels the central flyway of the monarch migration across the United States.

Throughout the week of June 18, the team will travel through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota to meet with a diverse cross-section of researchers, conservationists and landowners who are helping protect pollinators and improve their health.

“Highlighting the many ways various individuals and organizations are helping pollinators thrive is the primary goal of this road trip,” said Caydee Savinelli, pollinator and IPM stewardship lead, Syngenta. “Pollinator health and stewardship is important to agriculture and Syngenta, and our Operation Pollinator program is making a positive impact. But caring for pollinators is much larger than any one company. Improving pollinator health and practicing good stewardship take the combined effort, support and expertise from multiple stakeholders.”

The approximately 1,700-mile road trip will include stops with experts at nearly a dozen locations. Their stories, photos, videos and quotes will be shared via social media, using #OperationPollinator. 

“We’re looking forward to hearing from a variety of experts and sharing their insights via social media,” said Ann Bryan, senior manager, external communications, Syngenta. “There are many positive stories and examples of healthy pollinators and good stewardship practices, and we want to celebrate and shine a spotlight on these efforts."

Follow the Syngenta road trip on social media, using #OperationPollinator. To learn more about Operation Pollinator and Syngenta’s commitment to pollinator health and stewardship, visit