Small town provided lasting memories

Growing up in Kinsley, Kansas, was great.

There was not a street in town that our bicycle tires did not make tracks on. Friday night we walked two blocks to the football field to watch the “Kinsley Coyotes” play football. We walked to the swimming pool to swim for a quarter, the picture show, cost fifteen cents. Several weeks during wheat harvest were spent at the aunt’s farm helping with chores.

We were out the door by 9 a.m. back in our own yard when the street lights came on. Sunday’s dinner was in the oven while we attended church.

We respected every word from our parents and grandparents and believe me if we were some place we were not supposed to be they heard about it. The trust and freedom developed from growing up in a small town is greatly valued.

Sonya Noller can be reached at [email protected].