Colyer tours southwest Kansas ag operations

Gov. Jeff Colyer wanted to visit with agricultural interests in southwest Kansas and to get a feel for how they are doing in a tough economic time and to reassure the industry how important it is to him.

“Ag is the No. 1 issue of Kansas and economic growth is so important, and as a result I’m visiting with a lot producers,” Colyer said in a telephone interview July 17.

Kansas farmers are feeling the impact of an ongoing tariff war with China and yet Colyer’s mission is to continue to promote trade.

“We are looking at markets in Indonesia with 300 million people,” he said.

There are many Pacific Rim countries that desire Kansas agricultural products, Colyer said, and regardless of the outcome of a tariff war farmers and ranchers need access to consumers in the United States and around the world.

“No matter what happens we need to be able to export our products. We have the best products made by the best producers in the country.”

His tour of southwest Kansas operations also was listening tour from employers who reiterated a need for employees with technology skills. Some of the best paying jobs go unfilled because of a lack of qualified applicants, he said. Many companies like hiring Kansans because of their work ethic, dedication and drive to succeed.

The governor wants to continue initiatives that will help students to receive training and accreditation to help rural employers. Colyer remains optimistic because he feels Kansans are optimistic about solving problems.

“They say let’s decide what we’re going to do fix it and get it behind us,” Colyer said.

As governor he also wants to continue an initiative working with internet providers, the Federal Communications Commission and state Legislature to make sure rural areas have full internet access and service. “That is important to the jobs in the future.”

Colyer is serving out former Gov. Sam Brownback’s term and he is seeking a four-year term. Colyer served as Brownback’s lieutenant governor from 2011 until Jan. 31 when he succeeded Brownback. Colyer will be on the ballot for the August Republican primary.

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or [email protected].