Meat Institute unveils new resource for the ‘Meat Denied’

The North American Meat Institute offered resources for the "Meat Denied," those whose offices are restricting access to meat in the workplace, on a new web site Among the resources are the helpful lists, “Top Ten Ways to Sneak Meat Into the Office” and “Best Excuses to Get Out of Your Office’s Meatless Lunch. features a guide to different cuts of meat and how to cook them, a thorough product center featuring prepared meat choices that fit nutrition profiles such as low/reduced fat, low/reduced sodium, natural, organic and American Heart Association Certified. It also includes resources addressing meat myths including many of the prominent myths about meat’s environmental impact.

According the federal data, protein is the only food group consumed at proper levels, on average. With very few exceptions, men are consuming meat at recommended levels and women are slightly under-consuming, making efforts to restrict meat access in the workplace unnecessary. Environmental Protection Agency data show that animal agriculture contributes around 4 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, compared to 28 percent for both energy production and transportation.

“It is disappointing that any company would make a decision to remove a nutritious and delicious food choice, especially when the data is clear that the path to meaningful environmental impact reductions is not through the stomach,” said Meat Institute Vice President of Public Affairs Eric Mittenthal. “For both environmental and employee morale purposes, companies are far better served by working to reduce their energy consumption and encouraging public transportation.” 

The Meat Institute is also offering its resources to companies, schools and others who are feeling pressured to remove or limit meat as a menu choice. For more, visit and