Beef stocker field day will be Sept. 20 in Manhattan

Quality stocker production strategies, cattle pain management, livestock theft and a panel discussion on how silage fits in growing diets are among topics planned for the Kansas State University Beef Stocker Field Day on Sept. 20.

“We are excited to host the 19th annual edition of the KSU Beef Stocker Field Day,” says Dale Blasi, K-State Animal Sciences and Industry professor and beef cattle extension specialist. “Like all the other events in the past, we bring the latest information on marketing, nutrition, health and technology for attendees to apply to their operation.”

Hosted at the K-State Beef Stocker Unit, 4330 Marlatt Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas, the event starts with registration and coffee at 9:30 a.m. and the program at 10:15 a.m. A barbecue lunch is provided and the day ends with an evening social, the “Cutting Bull’s Lament 2018” at 5:30 p.m. featuring prairie oysters and Call Hall ice cream.

Attendees will also have a chance to tour the new student housing at the Beef Stocker Unit and observe some of the new products from Moly Manufacturing Inc.

This year’s event is sponsored by Merck Animal Health. Pre-registration fee for the Beef Stocker Field Day is $25 if paid by Sept. 13. More information and online registration is available at After Sept. 13, attendees must pay $35 at the event. For more information, contact Lois Schreiner at 785-532-1267 or