MDA offering webinar for growth through agriculture grant program applicants

Agriculture businesses and organizations throughout Montana will have the opportunity to learn more about the Growth Through Agriculture program through an upcoming “How to Apply for a GTA Grant” webinar. The webinar will be held at 9 a.m. on Aug. 16, and those interested in participating can access the webinar here:

Some past projects funded by the GTA Program include Farver Farms of Scobey, who received assistance to expand their products which take wheat and lentils from their farm to create mixes for healthy soups, salads and a lentil brownie mix. Windrift Hill of Conrad received assistance with the expansion of their goat milk-based soap, lotion and skin care line of products and also created six jobs.   

The GTA program was established by the legislature to strengthen and diversify Montana’s agriculture industry by developing new agricultural products and processes. GTA grants and loans are awarded by the Agriculture Development Council, a seven member committee appointed by the Governor. More information, including a list of past projects can be found at

The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit