
Read James 5:13-16 —James 5:16 (NIV)

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

My husband, Milt, had recently returned from a men’s retreat, and when I walked into the living room I expected to see him sitting in his comfortable recliner. But I was surprised to see him kneeling by the sofa with his Bible open in front of him. I was used to seeing Milt reading his Bible and praying each morning, but not in a kneeling position.

Before long, the carpet began to show indentions because his weren’t quick “bless this one and that one” prayers. Instead, Milt searched God’s word and used scripture verses to pray for each family member by name. Now, decades later, my husband’s praying for our family remains the most beautiful sight at our home. Although Milt has a slight build and a frail body, he is mighty in spirit and prayer. It comforts me to know that he daily intercedes for me and our children and grandchildren. What a priceless gift!

Prayer—Heavenly Father, thank you for those who pray for us. Help us to follow Jesus’ faithful example in praying for others. Amen.

Thought for the Day—Prayer is a priceless gift I can give.

Lydia Harris (Washington)