Read Genesis 12:1-4
Abram was 75-years old when he departed from Haran.—Genesis 12:4 (NRSV)
“Don’t you think the people on our church prayer list would like to know that we’re praying for them?” my grandmother asked one Sunday morning. And for the next six years, she sent cards to everyone on our church’s prayer list.
She had to step away from this ministry in 2003 because of health issues, but by that time she had sent more than 12,000 prayer cards!
My grandmother was 78-years old when she began her prayer card ministry. Her taking on this work later in life makes me think about Abraham, who was 75-years-old when God called him. God had a grand purpose for Abraham’s life. God would bless all the people of the world through him (see Gen. 12:1-3).
Just as God inspired my grandmother to bless thousands of people, God had plans to bless multitudes through Abraham. What would have happened had Abraham rejected God’s call, feeling he was too old to bless anyone? How many people would have missed a blessing from the prayer card ministry—a ministry that continues today—if my grandmother had said no to God’s call? We are never too old to fulfill God’s purposes. And when we faithfully serve, God blesses countless others through us.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for calling us to serve you, no matter our age. Empower us to do your good work throughout our lives. Amen.
Thought for the day: How is God calling me to serve in this season?
—Janine Kuty, Virginia