Apache livestock auction report

The Apache livestock auction, Apache, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 870 head selling on Sept. 6, compared to 1,800 head a week ago and 1,151 head last year, according to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, there were not enough comparable feeder steers, feeder heifers and steer calves for a market test. Heifer calves were selling $2 to $8 higher. Quality was good to attractive with very good demand for the heifer calves. The supply included 38% over 600 pounds and 36% heifers. Slaughter cows were selling $1 to $3 lower. Slaughter bulls were selling $1 lower. Packer demand was moderate. A total of 135 cows and bulls sold with 52% going to packers.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 262 lbs., 241.00; 10 head, 417 lbs., 182.00; 7 head, 528 lbs., 161.00 fleshy; 18 head, 544 lbs., 155.50 full; 579 to 592 lbs., 148.50 to 149.50 (149.04) fleshy; 600 to 625 lbs., 144.00 to 147.00 (145.46) calves; 17 head, 687 lbs., 150.00 full; 13 head, 772 lbs., 150.00; 9 head, 761 lbs., 139.50 calves. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 443 lbs., 176.00; 7 head, 476 lbs., 165.00; 15 head, 647 lbs., 145.50.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 378 lbs., 177.00; 10 head, 420 to 445 lbs., 159.00 to 165.00 (161.91) fleshy; 10 head, 473 to 499 lbs., 149.00 to 157.00 (152.89) fleshy; 500 to 544 lbs., 140.00 to 149.00 (142.06) fleshy; 14 head, 616 lbs., 131.50 to 135.00 (133.50) calves; 5 head, 749 lbs., 127.00 calves; 8 head, 848 lbs., 122.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 687 lbs, 128.00; 16 head, 720 lbs., 131.50 calves.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 14 head, 315 to 345 lbs., 164.00 to 174.00 (167.81); 9 head, 360 to 380 lbs., 166.00 to 176.00 (170.31); 405 to 426 lbs., 155.00 to 167.00 (164.21); 9 head, 463 to 482 lbs., 147.00 to 156.00 (152.92); 11 head, 495 lbs., 145.00 full; 18 head, 503 to 530 lbs., 136.00 to 143.50 (140.25) fleshy; 14 head, 555 to 596 lbs., 131.00 to 141.00 (137.11) fleshy; 10 head, 555 lbs., 143.50 full; 14 head, 604 to 614 lbs., 132.00 to 137.00 (135.20) calves; 12 head, 784 lbs., 131.00; 6 head, 962 lbs., 115.00.

Slaughter cows: Breakers, 11 head, 75 to 80% lean, 1150 to 1600 lbs., 56.50 to 57.00; low dressing, 51.00 to 54.00. Boners, 19 head, 80 to 85% lean, 1150 to 1550 lbs., 55.50 to 57.00; high dressing, 61.00; low dressing, 50.00 to 54.00. Lean, 6 head, 85 to 90% lean, 1075 to 1300 lbs., 44.00 to 49.00. Light, 13 head, 85 to 90% lean, 750 to 1000 lbs., 54.00 to 55.00; low dressing, 49.00.

Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1 to 2, 21 head, 1350 to 1975 lbs., 80.00 to 85.00; low dressing, 75.00 to 78.00.

Replacement cows: All were pre-tested for pregnancy and age. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 4 to 5 years old, 900 to 1250 lbs., 1 to 3 months bred, average quality 775.00 to 875.00; 8 years old, 1275 lbs., 8 months bred, average quality 835.00.