If you listen to Chance

If you listen to Chance talk, he won the world.

Not really, but my 4 year old boy competed at his first Kansas State Fair Pedal Pull Championship Sept. 9. Even though he didn’t take home a trophy, I call it a win.

He got to go to the state fair and actually walk around looking at exhibits and attractions this year. He went before he was even a year old and was strapped in the stroller. I joked he was easier to contain back then, but it was kind of neat to see him excited to compete and be happy to be taking it all in. Well, except when we were at the end of the day and Mom refused to buy him a toy trumpet..

My oldest boy also got to compete in the pedal pull too. He went to his first when he was 5 I believe, so this was old hat for him. He was all business during the competition but wanted nothing more than to go ride the rides while we were waiting. We also were able to watch my nephew compete in his first pedal pull as well.

All three made it about half way down the course before their legs gave out. I was busy trying to video and missed getting their actual distances, but at the end of the day, it really didn’t matter. They had fun and got to compete with kids from all over the state of Kansas.

It’s a good thing they didn’t have school today because of teacher in-service so they could recuperate. On the way to Grandma’s on Monday morning, Shaun kept telling Chance he didn’t win. I said you both competed and for now, that’s good enough. I told them if they want to win next year we need to practice. I may or may not have Googled used pedal pull tractors for sale.