It won’t be long now before cotton harvesters are running on the Texas High Plains, and although the first bale hasn’t yet been harvested, that is expected to come within the next few weeks.
Overall, it’s certainly still safe to use the word “mixed” to describe the condition of this year’s Texas High Plains cotton crop, but recent spotty rains have improved the potential in some parts of the PCG region.
Attendees at PCG’s Friday Morning Meeting today reported seeing the potential for up to four-bale cotton in some isolated areas. However, that is certainly the exception rather than the rule.
Some dryland cotton that was planted early and managed to survive likely will be defoliated soon. Bolls in some fields are beginning to open, some from maturity and others from bacterial blight. Weed control overall has been good, but weed management experts encourage growers to stay vigilant and on top of any emerging late-season weeds that may spread seed.