Randy Boman retiring from Oklahoma State

On March 1, Randy Boman, will officially retire from public service. Boman has served as research director and Cotton Extension Program leader at the OSU Southwest Research and Extension Center, Altus, Oklahoma, for seven years. The announcement came Feb. 5 in an email to colleagues in the industry.

“There is no doubt that I have learned a tremendous amount through my experiences with multiple facets of this industry,” Boman wrote in the email. He praised his colleagues in Extension and the cotton growers of Oklahoma for their cooperative efforts to improve cotton lint yields and quality attributes in the state.

Boman said he has accepted a position with Indigo Ag, Inc., in Cotton Technical Services. Indigo Ag is a company that is using science and technology to help growers improve profitability, improve sustainability on the farm and meet the growing needs of consumers.

The company recently announced it will pay contracted growers of its Indigo Cotton or Indigo Rain-Fed Cotton a premium per pound above market price. This follows its similar production models in corn, soybean, rice and wheat production.

A come-and-go reception for Boman will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 27, at the Southwest Technology Center, 711 W. Tamarack Road, Altus, Oklahoma. For those who RSVP by Feb. 22, there is a dinner at 6 p.m. following the reception. To submit your RSVP, call Ronna Parker at 580-482-2120.