Dry conditions slow wheat planting

Hot and dry weather accelerated crop maturity and harvest activities for the week ending Sept. 16, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Colorado. Northwestern counties received no moisture, and new fires were reported. In northeastern counties, winter wheat planting slowed slightly due to dry conditions. Reporters noted early sugarbeet harvest was also underway and millet harvest progressed well last week. East central counties also experienced warmer than normal temperatures and no moisture. A reporter noted crops were doing well but some grain sorghum wasn’t expected to make it to maturity due to moisture received too late. In southwestern counties, hot and dry temperatures provided no relief from exceptional drought conditions. In the San Luis Valley, potato harvest picked up last week and barley harvest was virtually complete. Harvest conditions were noted to be very good, although warm. Southeastern counties also experienced hot, dry, and windy conditions last week.