Lack of precipitation remains a concern to producers (Colorado)

Fieldwork activities continued on pace for the week ending Sept. 30 amidst minimal precipitation, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Colorado. Northeastern county reporters noted winter wheat continued to be seeded despite dry conditions. Limited corn for grain harvest began last week, but most producers were waiting for the crop to dry down. In east central counties, producers were harvesting corn for grain but saw a late start because of morning dew. Most winter wheat was noted to be planted and the emerged crop looked good thus far. Lack of precipitation remained a concern, especially for pasture conditions in east central counties. Southwestern counties stayed warm and dry last week with no relief from exceptional drought conditions. In the San Luis Valley, potato harvest and third cutting of alfalfa progressed quickly last week and minimal moisture was received. In southeastern counties, a reporter noted precipitation was minimal and corn for grain harvest began last week. Hay harvest was noted as slow because of heavy dew. Statewide, corn was rated 68 percent good to excellent, compared with 65 percent good to excellent last year.