Colorado State University may offer beekeeper mentorship course

Are you interested in learning about beekeeping? Colorado State University Extension if offering an opportunity for educating those wishing to become beekeepers and local area beekeepers already doing beekeeping. Here is an opportunity to come join us and learn over seven classroom sessions with some reading and homework assignments between classes. The classes are three hours in duration. Once you have taken the class you can mentor other beekeepers with issues and problems.

After the classroom sessions, you are required to volunteer for 30 hours which keeps the cost of the course to an affordable rate. In the second year, you are required to volunteer for 15 hours minimum and have nine hours of continuing education to keep your status as a beekeeper mentor.

If you have any questions such as the cost, please contact Linda Langelo at 970-474-3479 at the Sedgwick County Extension. The location(s) and dates for the classes will be determined based on the interest.