Helpful household tips

Sick crud cleaner: This is the time of year when kids and adults pass flu, cold and crud germs around like candy. Sometimes, upset stomachs are the result and then vomiting will happen. The stench can be awful—even for those with a strong stomach (which I don’t possess).

A friend shared this with me and it works! Pour some fresh coffee grounds right out of the can onto the mess and leave it for a few minutes. The ground coffee will absorb both the moisture and the smell and it is so much easier on the clean-up crew.

(I think even if I didn’t drink coffee, I would have some on hand—just in case. Having cleaned up many a mess in my days of child rearing, this would have been wonderful.)

Christmas gift idea: The following was passed along to me and it sounds like a really good idea.

Four gift kids rule:

• One thing they want;

• One thing they need;

• One thing to wear; and

• One thing to read.

Recycle dryer sheets: Save your used dryer sheets and put them in a rectangular container with a lid. When you get any kind of free sample of any kind of fabric softener, put some in a small amount of water to thin it out a bit and then you can drop in a saved dryer sheet, squeeze out the excess water and toss in the dryer with your clothing items or you can put the weakened softener in a spray bottle and put some on an old washrag and use it as needed.

Skeeter free water tanks: Every spring and summer the mosquitoes are terrible thick and the cows and horses have them stuck to their faces while trying to drink from the tank. A reader’s dad started buying minnows at the bait shop and puts a few in each tank. They keep the bugs in check by eating the larvae and when they are big enough, he uses them for fish bait.

Glue gun transport: A reader writes—A friend of mine is an avid crafter and goes from town to town making things with her friends. I stopped to see her the other day and she was unloading her vehicle so I helped her. There was an oven mitt lying on the front seat and I asked her if she wanted it in the house also. She just laughed because unknown to me, her glue gun was in the oven mitt. She said that by doing that, she can transport it anywhere she wants without having to wait for it to cool off so it won’t burn the car seat or her bum. I asked her if I could share and she said yes.

If you have hints or ideas to share, send them to PennyWise, Box 518, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543; or email them to [email protected]. If you send me your name and address, I’ll send you a free copy of the PennyWise Newsletter. Please mention High Plains Journal when you write.