Briscoe County cotton pre-plant meeting set for Jan. 18 in Silverton

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Briscoe County will present a Cotton Pre-Plant Meeting on Jan. 18, 2019, in the Happy State Bank Pioneer Room, 500 Main St., Silverton.

“Cotton is a major crop in Briscoe County, and it’s important we keep our producers updated on the best management practices and any changes from year to year,” said Mason Carter, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Briscoe County.

Registration will begin at 10 a.m. The cost is $10, and lunch will be provided. Those planning to attend are asked to call 806-823-2521 in advance to get a meal count.

The meeting will offer three Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units—two general and one integrated pest management.

The program will include:

  • Pre-Planting Considerations, Murillo Maeda, AgriLife Extension cotton specialist in Lubbock.
  • New Products and Seed Varieties, Americot, BASF, Corteva and Monsanto seed representatives.
  • Weed Control Management Systems, Peter Dotray, AgriLife Extension weed specialist in Lubbock.

For more information, contact Carter at 806-823-2521 or