Rural doers invited to We Kan! Conference

The Kansas Sampler Foundation announced that registration is now open for the We Kan! Conference to be held March 18 in Newton. The theme of the conference is “Rural is an opportunity: Inventional Outcomes.”

Designed for rural community leaders, doers, volunteers, entrepreneurs as well as rural advocates, the conference topics will include everything from funding tips and tourism to information about child care, rural health care, Main Street, trail development, workforce support, housing, small business information, community development, and much more.

Registration is $75. The conference is supported by Project WeKan, a crowdfunding site, the Kansas Department of Commerce and many other sponsors. The Inman-based Kansas Sampler Foundation organizes and facilitates this bi-annual event.

People can sign up for a conference bonus that takes place on March 17 and includes a tour of the intergenerational child care program in Hesston and a tour and discussion with an entrepreneural success, Prairy Market in Newton.

For more information and to register go to