Kansas Corn Yield Contest open

Kansas Corn is now accepting entries into the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. In its third year, the yield contest is open to Kansas Corn Growers Association members, and entry into the 2020 contest is free.

The Kansas Corn Yield Contest is a way for growers to interact and learn from other farmers and input providers and help define what makes economic sense for their business.

The contest will award a dryland and irrigated winner in each of the 10 districts. The districts align with crop reporting districts, plus a north-northeast district, which was created to include Doniphan and parts of Brown and Atchison counties. In addition, one statewide dryland winner and one statewide irrigated winner will be announced. Cash prizes will be awarded at the district and state levels. Winners will be recognized at the Kansas Corn Symposium in January 2021.

In last year’s contest, the top statewide dryland yield entry was 281 bushels per acre from Alex Noll in Leavenworth County, and the top statewide irrigated entry was 303.8 bushels per acre from Triangle H of Finney County.

Registration for the Kansas Corn Yield Contest must be completed online by Aug. 31. If harvest occurs before the Aug. 31 deadline, the registration must be received two weeks prior to harvest. Harvest forms must be submitted online by Dec. 1. Exceptions can be made for late harvest. Entries submitted to the National Corn Yield Contest qualify to enter the state contest, but growers must enter in both contests.

For complete yield contest rules, forms and to register, visit kscorn.com/yield. For more information, call Kansas Corn at 785-410-5009 or email [email protected].