Nation to Nation meeting

Oklahoma leadership for the agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Oklahoma Tribal Conservation Advisory Council are hosting a “Nation to Nation” Tribal Consultation ZOOM Meeting on Aug. 18. This is truly a special event with all of Oklahoma’s sovereign tribes having been invited to attend.

The 9th annual consultation, being held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic, will represent a government-to-government meeting of the sovereign nations within Oklahoma and the top state-level executives of USDA’s individual agencies and mission areas. This annual event provides us with an opportunity to engage with tribal leaders and administrators from across Oklahoma, seeking to identify ways that USDA can better serve tribal governments and tribal members.

“This consultation, whether in person or virtual, is a very significant, and powerfully meaningful event,” said Gary O’Neill, Oklahoma Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist. “The Nation to Nation consultation event is a great way to share successes and discuss things USDA can improve on. This consultation leads to stronger and more effective partnerships between Tribes in Oklahoma and USDA.”

This annual meeting will showcase the conservation accomplishments of our Oklahoma Tribes, USDA agencies and our conservation partners across Oklahoma. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. on Aug. 18 with a one-hour lunch break at Noon, resuming the consultation again at 1 p.m. Please join us for the consultation at

“We realize that protecting natural resources and preserving the land for future generations is a major priority among American Indian Tribes,” said USDA-NRCS Tribal Liaison Carol Crouch. “Tribal government and each tribe’s agricultural producers are encouraged to apply for USDA’s special incentive programs. USDA administers safety net programs that include farm loans, disaster and emergency programs, price support programs, as well as various crop insurance options.”

Crouch added, “USDA also administers a number of programs that provide resources to tribal governments, in addition to individual members of your tribe. Tribal governments have access to USDA resources to help build a variety of infrastructure: housing, water, sewer, hospitals, fire & police, schools, and libraries.”

For more information on the Aug. 18 Nation to Nation Tribal Consultation, contact Crouch at 405-742-1203 or [email protected].