Nebraska Wheat Board director appointed

Gov. Pete Ricketts recently appointed Rick Dunbar of Eustis as director for District 7 on the Nebraska Wheat Board.

Prior to farming, Rick Dunbar graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a bachelor’s in agricultural economics. Following graduation he worked in ag lending for three years. Marrying his wife Chris in 1973, the two moved back to the farm and have been in production ever since. Dunbar raises corn, seed wheat, soybeans, popcorn and also runs a cow-calf herd. Rick and Chris have two children and four grandchildren.

Throughout his time in the wheat industry, Dunbar says the thing he enjoys most is the people he has met along the way, the same people he will represent as a new board director. “I am pleased to be selected as a member of the Nebraska Wheat Board.” Dunbar says. “Hopefully my involvement on this board can be of service to the wheat growers of Nebraska.”

Royce Schaneman, NWB executive director, is confident that Dunbar will bring great leadership to the Board. “I am excited for Rick to join the Board,” stated Royce. “He brings a lot of experience and an understanding of where the wheat industry is currently at in our state. I am sure he will work to take the wheat industry in the right direction.”

Dunbar will serve a five-year term that will conclude June 30, 2025. As District 7 director he will represent the entire state of Nebraska.