
Read John 14:15-31

Jesus said to his disciples, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”—John 14:18 (NIV)

My father showed symptoms that made us fear he had suffered a stroke. I suddenly had a terrifying thought: What if my father died? I felt that my life would be extremely heavy if I had to live without my father. Among other concerns, I wondered what would happen to my older brother, who suffers from mental illness. My father was his daily caregiver, and I wondered if my sister and I were ready to take on that role.

Yet, John 14:18 reassures me that God will never leave me alone. Just before Jesus was taken up to heaven, he asked the Father to give us an advocate to help us and be with us forever. Once I realized that I am never left alone, I felt the heavy burden slowly disappear.

My earthly father has limitations, but my heavenly Father is limitless. Even when my earthly father goes home to heaven someday, I can remember that my heavenly Father has promised not to leave me as an orphan. And God is trustworthy.

Prayer—Loving God, whenever we feel alone in our struggles, help us to remember that you are always with us. Amen.

Thought for the day—Whatever the future brings, God will be there to give me strength.

—Linawati Santoso, Indonesia